Why choose this app

  • Based on latest research

    Based on latest research

    Built using the best available scientific evidence and good design principles.

  • Set goals, see progress

    Set goals, see progress

    Set goals for calories, money, alcohol-free days or units. Which will work for you?

  • Help advance science

    Help advance science

    Use the app and you'll help scientists learn how to help more people drink less alcohol

It's completely free. And ad-free too.

Our reviews

Over 2,000 five star reviews

Easy access to lots of useful information

The dashboard shows how your drinking is changing, how close you are to achieving your goals and some simple things you can do today to drink less.

Available now on the App Store
The dashboard shows how your drinking is changing

Log your drinking with just three taps

Tap to open, tap to select, tap to confirm. Recording new or your usual drinks couldn't be easier.

Log your drinking with just three taps

Lots of other techniques to help you cut down

We've searched the scientific literature to find the best techniques to help you drink less. Download the app now to find out what they are.

Available now on the App Store


So what's this app all about?

This app was developed by researchers at University College London to help people reduce their drinking. Behaviour change theory and evidence from other apps was used to decide what content to include in the app. The anonymous data collected from the app is used for scientific research and to improve the app.

What if I don’t want my anonymous data to be used for scientific research?

The app data being recorded is stored anonymously and securely. If you go to the 'Help' section of the app you can select the "opt out" option, which will ensure that your data will not be used for scientific research and you can still use the app.

Do I have to give you my email address?


Is my information safe and am I anonymous?

Yes and yes. We treat your data with the greatest respect and make sure it's both anonymised and stored securely.

Why can I only download it from the UK?

Unfortunately, different countries count units in different ways and there are different national guidelines and so it would be a fair amount of work to translate all the calculations though it is something we've got planned for the future.

How do I delete or edit drinks I added by accident?

Go to "Your drinking calendar" (found on the dashboard) and tap the day in question, then tap on any of the drinks to edit them, or swipe left to delete them.

How do I add a mood diary?

On the main dashboard, there’s a link called "Logging your drinks each day" (under the "We suggest" heading) which takes you to the daily mood diary.

How do I turn off or change the time of the reminders?

Just go to:.

 Help >> Reminders

What else can I do?

There's a good few options in the app itself. Have a play around, you probably won't break anything.

Any other questions?

Please email